NFH B6 SAP 60 Capsules

Regular price $32.30

reflection 2

Vitamin B6 is involved in more bodily functions than almost any other single nutrient, with roles in homocysteine metabolism, hemoglobin formation, and neurotransmitter synthesis. It also acts as a potent antioxidant in the body. B6 SAP provides a healthy supplemental dose of vitamin B6, including 10... See more...
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SKU: NFH10264

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Vitamin B6 is involved in more bodily functions than almost any other single nutrient, with roles in homocysteine metabolism, hemoglobin formation, and neurotransmitter synthesis. It also acts as a potent antioxidant in the body. B6 SAP provides a healthy supplemental dose of vitamin B6, including 10 mg of the active form pyridoxal-5?-phosphate, in a blend of B vitamins and choline to support optimal B6 metabolism.

60 Capsules

Note: This product is only available to existing patients. Please only order if you are seeing one our practitioners. Any order placed by someone who is not an existing patient will be cancelled.
